
What Are Full Dentures?

Full dentures are removable dental prosthetics that replace missing teeth. You can take them out to clean them and put them back in your mouth for esthetics and function. Though it may takes time to get used to wearing full dentures, they’d never feel the same as your natural teeth.

Today dentures are more natural-looking than before. They’re also more comfortable to wear.

When considering whether to opt for partial or full dentures, you need to consult your dentist.

How do Full Dentures work?

Full dentures are made in a dental laboratory from impressions and molds made of your mouth.

One of the types of full denture, known as a conventional full denture is placed in your mouth after the removal of remaining teeth.

After the extraction or loss of damaged teeth, the tissues in the mouth should heal first before dentures are placed. In some instances it could take several months to achieve complete healing. In some cases while waiting for the tissues to heal, the patient may go without teeth.

Another type of denture is the immediate full dentures which are immediately placed in the patient’s mouth after the removal of your remaining damaged teeth. Although you don’t have to deal with living without your teeth with immediate full dentures, your dentist will reline them for several months before after insertion. The reason for this is that the bone that supports the teeth reshapes while it’s healing, causing the dentures will become loose or fit poorly.

Getting Used To Dentures

For the first few days, week or months, you may feel uncomfortable wearing your dentures. You must also practice eating and speaking with your new dentures.

It’s normal to experience a heavy feeling while your tongue learns to hold your dentures.

How long will dentures last?

Because your mouth changes naturally, full dentures will have to be relined or remade over time.

The as your mouth changes over time it can affect your dentures and the way that they fit. Dentures can loosen making it difficult for you to chew. Loosened full dentures may also cause gum irritation. It is important that you see your dentist regularly for routine dental examinations to ensure that your mouth is healthy even if you wear full dentures and have no teeth. Dentures at times may require relining because of normal wear over a period of time. The better you care for your dentures the longer they may last. When handling them, make sure to dropping them as it may cause them to break.

When you’re not wearing your dentures, they may be placed in a denture soaking solution to avoid drying out. Never place them in hot water as they can warp, distort and fit poorly.

Be sure to brush your dentures daily to remove plaque and food deposits it will also aid in preventing them from staining.

Before inserting your dentures into your mouth, make sure that your mouth and dentures are clean.

If you notice a chip or break in your full dentures, see your dentist right away. Never attempt to adjust them yourself; you may cause more damage than good.

Full dentures are a more affordable option to missing tooth replacement than dental implants. Your dental insurance may cover the overall cost of full dentures and it’s a great option to replace missing teeth.

Choosing between full dentures and the dental implant will depend on your situation. The decision requires insight from a specialist.

Contact our friendly staff at Aloha Dental and schedule an appointment with us. When you visit our dental office, our dentists will help you choose the best solution after carefully assessing your individual needs and oral health.